upcoming events

  • pot luck

    Every first Sunday of the month we share a meal together following the Sunday morning service. Please feel free to join us. Our next potluck is Sunday, April 6.

  • Silver Sunday

    Every first Sunday of the month we collect change for the children in Liberia. The money raised goes to providing them with backpacks full of toys and much needed school supplies. This Sunday April 6 we will again take up a collection for the cause.

  • Annual Training For service

    April 18th will be the date for this year's meeting at Great Lake Christian High School in Beamsville, The guesr speaker this year will be Mike Cope.

  • Men's Group

    We meet every Wednesday at 6pm in the basement of the church. Please feel free to join us as we discuss the book "Good Man" and how to strive to be one for our families, our church and the world.

  • Kid's Easter  Activities and egg hunt

    Saturday, April 12th 1-3:30pm

    Ages 4 and up

    Meeting at the church building

The St. Catharines Church of Christ strives to be the hands and feet of Jesus in a fallen world. 

  • Help us Build  wells

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